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Steps to Preparing for Your Home For a Roof Replacement

Date: June 1, 2023

A roof replacement is a significant investment that not only enhances the appearance of your home but also safeguards its structural integrity. Proper preparation is essential to ensure a smooth and successful project. 
This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to preparing your home for a roof replacement, from choosing the right contractor and materials to taking care of your home's interior and exterior. We’ll talk about the following topics:

Choosing the Right Roofing Contractor

The first step in preparing for a roof replacement is finding a reputable, experienced roofing contractor. A reliable contractor will ensure the job is done professionally, within budget, and on time. 

Conduct thorough research by:

  1. Researching local contractors
  2. Evaluating credentials, experience, and reviews
  3. Obtaining and comparing quotes
  4. Finalizing a contract and setting a timeline

By following these steps, you can make an informed decision and choose the right roofing contractor for your roof replacement project. This will ultimately help you achieve a successful outcome and ensure the longevity and durability of your new roof.

Ensuring Proper Permits and Documentation

Before starting a roof replacement, obtaining the proper permits and documentation is crucial to ensure the project adheres to local building codes and regulations. This process helps to maintain safety and avoid potential legal issues or fines. 

Here are some steps to ensure you have the necessary permits and documentation for your roof replacement project:

  1. Research local building codes and regulations
  2. Select a reputable contractor who is familiar with local building codes and regulations. 
  3. Obtain a written estimate required when applying for permits.
  4. Work with your contractor to submit the necessary permit applications to the local building department.
  5. Schedule inspections during or after the roof replacement to ensure the project complies with building codes. 
  6. Document the project, including the permit, contract, invoices, and inspection reports.
  7. Maintain your warranty

By ensuring proper permits and documentation are in place before starting a roof replacement, you can protect yourself from potential legal issues and fines and ensure your new roof adheres to local building codes and safety regulations. 

Selecting the Appropriate Roofing Material

Selecting the appropriate roofing material is an important decision when planning a roof replacement. Factors to consider include climate, aesthetics, durability, cost, and energy efficiency. 

Here are some common roofing materials and their characteristics to help you make an informed decision:

Asphalt shingles

The most popular roofing material, asphalt shingles, are affordable, easy to install, and come in a variety of colors and styles. They have an average lifespan of 20-30 years and provide adequate protection against various weather conditions. However, they are not the most eco-friendly option and may not be suitable for extreme climates.

Metal roofing

Metal roofs are durable, lightweight, and low maintenance. They can last up to 50 years and protect against extreme weather conditions, including wind, hail, and fire. Metal roofing is energy-efficient, reflecting sunlight to reduce cooling costs. However, it can be more expensive than asphalt shingles and may not suit all architectural styles.

Clay or concrete tiles

Tiles of clay or concrete are heavy, durable, and long-lasting (up to 50-100 years). They provide excellent protection against fire, wind, and hail. These tiles are energy-efficient, help maintain indoor temperature, and come in various colors and styles. However, they are more expensive than other materials and may require additional structural support due to their weight.

Wood shingles or shakes

Wood roofing materials are natural and attractive, suitable for traditional or rustic homes. They typically last 25-30 years, depending on the type of wood and proper maintenance. However, they are more susceptible to fire, rot, and insects and may require frequent maintenance. Some areas may have restrictions on wood roofing due to fire concerns.


Slate is a premium roofing material with a distinctive appearance, often found in historic or high-end homes. It is extremely durable, with a lifespan of up to 100 years. Slate provides excellent fire and weather resistance but is heavy and expensive. It also requires professional installation and may need additional structural support.

Synthetic roofing materials

Synthetic materials, such as rubber, plastic, or composite roofing, are designed to mimic the appearance of natural materials like wood or slate. They are lightweight, durable, and low-maintenance, with lifespans ranging from 30 to 50 years. However, they can be more expensive than traditional materials, and their long-term performance may vary.

When selecting a roofing material, consider your home's architectural style, local building codes, and climate. Work with a knowledgeable contractor to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each material and choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Selecting the appropriate roofing material ensures your roof replacement is a long-lasting and valuable investment.

Preparing the Exterior of Your Home

Before starting a roof replacement project, it's essential to prepare the exterior of your home to protect your property and ensure a smooth and efficient process. 

Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Clear the surrounding area: Remove any obstacles around your home, such as patio furniture, toys, or potted plants, to provide easy access to the work area for the roofing crew. This will also prevent damage to these items.
  2. Protect landscaping: Cover plants, shrubs, and flower beds near your home with tarps or drop cloths to shield them from falling debris. You may also consider trimming tree branches that overhang your roof to facilitate the roofing crew's work.
  3. Create space for materials and waste: Designate an area for the contractor to store materials and dispose of debris. This could include a space for a dumpster or a spot to pile old roofing materials before disposal. Be sure to discuss this with your contractor beforehand.
  4. Secure windows and doors: Close and lock all windows and doors to prevent dust and debris from entering your home. Consider covering windows near the work area with plywood or protective film to shield them from potential damage.
  5. Remove wall decorations: Remove any hanging decorations, picture frames, or mirrors on interior walls adjacent to the roof, as vibrations from the roofing work could cause them to fall or become damaged.
  6. Relocate vehicles: Move your cars, boats, or recreational vehicles away from your home to protect them from falling debris and provide more space for the roofing crew and their equipment.
  7. Notify your neighbors: Inform them about the upcoming roof replacement to give them time to prepare for any noise or inconvenience. This courtesy will help maintain good relations with your neighbors during the project.
  8. Discuss access to electricity and water: During the project, your roofing crew may need access to electrical outlets and water sources. Discuss this with your contractor and make necessary arrangements to meet their needs.
  9. Secure pets: Roofing work can be noisy and disruptive, which may distress your pets. Ensure they are safe and secure in a quiet area of your home, or consider making alternative arrangements for them during the project.

By taking the time to prepare the exterior of your home before a roof replacement, you can minimize potential damage, make the process more efficient, and ensure a safer environment for the roofing crew.

Preparing the Interior of Your Home

Preparing the interior of your home before a roof replacement is essential for minimizing disruptions and potential damage caused by the construction process. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Remove or secure wall decorations: Vibrations from roofing work can cause hanging items to become unstable. Remove picture frames, mirrors, and other decorations from the interior walls, particularly those adjacent to the roof.
  2. Protect your belongings in the attic: Roofing work may generate dust and debris that could enter your attic. Cover items stored in the attic with tarps or plastic sheeting to protect them. Move valuable or delicate items to another part of your home if possible.
  3. Clear a path to the attic: Roofing contractors may need access to your attic for inspections or other tasks. Ensure a clear path to the attic entrance, and remove any obstacles or tripping hazards.
  4. Adjust your HVAC settings: Depending on the weather, you may want to adjust your heating, ventilation, or air conditioning (HVAC) system to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature during the project. Discuss this with your contractor, as some roofing materials may require specific temperature conditions for proper installation.
  5. Secure or relocate pets: Roof replacement can be noisy and unsettling for pets. Keep them in a quiet, secure the area of your home during the project, or consider making alternative arrangements, such as boarding them or leaving them with a friend or family member.
  6. Prepare for noise: Roofing work can be loud and disruptive. Plan for ways to cope with the noise, such as wearing noise-canceling headphones, working in a different part of the house, or temporarily relocating to a quieter location.
  7. Inform family members: Make sure everyone in your household knows about the upcoming roof replacement and understands the potential disruptions. This can help avoid any surprises and ensure everyone's safety during the project.
  8. Coordinate with your contractor: Maintain open communication with your roofing contractor throughout the project. Discuss any concerns, special requirements, or access needs to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

By preparing the interior of your home before a roof replacement, you can minimize disruptions, protect your belongings, and maintain a safe and comfortable environment for your household.

Preparing for Potential Challenges

Preparing for potential challenges before a roof replacement is essential to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth process. Here are some common challenges and how to prepare for them:


Roofing projects can be delayed or interrupted by adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or high winds. Monitor the weather forecast leading up to the project and discuss contingency plans with your contractor. Be prepared for potential delays and have a flexible schedule to accommodate any changes.

Unexpected damage

Once the old roofing materials are removed, there may be hidden damage to the roof deck, rafters, or other structural elements. This can lead to additional repairs and increased costs. Discuss this possibility with your contractor and ensure you have a contingency budget for unforeseen expenses.

Material delays or shortages

Roofing materials can sometimes be subject to delays or shortages, which can impact the project's timeline. Communicate with your contractor to ensure materials are ordered and delivered on time. Be prepared for possible delays and have a flexible schedule.

Noise and disruption

Roof replacement can be noisy and disruptive for both you and your neighbors. Prepare for the noise by finding alternative workspaces or quiet areas in your home. Inform your neighbors about the project to minimize potential conflicts.

Access and parking

Roofing crews need space to park their vehicles, store materials and set up equipment. Discuss access and parking requirements with your contractor and make necessary arrangements, such as relocating your vehicles or coordinating with neighbors.

Permits and inspections

As mentioned above, you must ensure all necessary permits are obtained and inspections scheduled before starting the project. Failure to comply with local building codes and regulations can lead to delays, fines, or legal issues.


Roofing work can be hazardous, both for the crew and your property. Ensure your contractor follows proper safety protocols and takes measures to protect your home and landscaping.


Maintain open lines of communication with your contractor throughout the project. This will help address any issues that arise promptly and minimize potential misunderstandings or conflicts.

There You Have It!

Preparing for a roof replacement is crucial in ensuring a smooth and successful project. From selecting the right roofing contractor to protecting your home's interior and exterior, careful planning and preparation can significantly impact the overall experience. 

By addressing potential challenges and taking the steps above, you can ensure that your roof replacement project is a positive and stress-free experience. A well-prepared homeowner can enjoy the peace of mind that knowing their home is protected with a durable, high-quality new roof that will last for years.

How to Prepare Your Home for a New Roof
About Mikku & Sons
Mikku and Sons red repair track with its logo painted on its side- roofing company track wraps
Our roofing company was founded in 2001 by Michael Riutta, who is still part of the ownership and management team. Between Michael, his two sons and co-owners, Devin and Joshua, and our crew members, we have many years of experience to handle any type of roof repair or roof installation solutions you may need.