Mikku and Sons Roofing logo, featuring a roof illustration on a transparent background 623-465-1068

Different types of roofs have different shelf lives. It is essential to know which kind of roof is best for your convenience.

This is also handy for checking when roof repairs should be made. A roof starts deteriorating at a certain point in time.

Keep reading our article, exploring the factors that determine How Long A Roof Lasts.

Different Parts of a Roof

A roof is constructed using a variety of materials and construction techniques. Each technique and material play a role in determining the shelf life of a roof.

A roof is primarily made up of the following materials:

The techniques used in the construction of roofs directly impact the longevity of the materials used in the construction. Some external factors can influence the shelf life of a roof, such as the weather.

External Factors Contributing to How Long a Roof Lasts

Natural disasters or the elements themselves could cause damage to a roof.

Natural disasters

Extreme weather like snow and icicles can cause serious damage to your roof, for article How Long Does a Roof Last

Even if your roof contractor gives you a firm guarantee on how long a roof lasts, it may not be enough. Natural disasters on a huge scale could cause significant damage to a roof in a matter of seconds.

Snow or rain accompanied by strong winds may cause water to be pushed into the roof cladding. Depending on how the roof was constructed, this could be a severe problem or something that occurs over time.

Water and snow accumulation beneath the roof cladding can result in ice and water dams, which can cause damage to the interior roof, including the wood and even the house’s structure. The weight of the ice and water dams may also cause the house’s roof to cave in on top of it.

Hurricanes and tornadoes can be powerful enough to lift a portion of the entire roof off its foundation. In addition, when a tree falls on the roof due to strong winds or a lightning strike, the roof may be destroyed, and a fire may erupt.


When highlighted on a house, plants and the general green ecosystem have a dreamy aesthetic appearance. A roof with moss growing on it may appear beautiful at first, but the roof will deteriorate over time due to the moss.

Moss can cause shingles to lift in the case of a shingled roof, and it can also collect moisture, which can cause damage to the roof shingles and the roof frames. Taking care of any leaves or plant life that grows on a roof should be done as soon as they appear.


An industrial building with wide variations in temperature and working conditions, such as one housing a factory, is more likely to suffer from roof deterioration than a home’s roofing material.

If a porch roof is poorly connected to the main house or stressed by natural forces such as wind, the internal roof structure of the main house may be subjected to additional stress and strain. The porch roof may also compromise the structural integrity of the main house’s internal roof structure in the long run.


If your house is located in an area with extreme heat or cold may have a roof susceptible to damage from the elements. This takes into account weather conditions such as snow or rain.

How Long Does a Roof Last: Shelf Life

To better understand this, we will study the lifespan of various common types of roofs.

  1. Shingled roofs
  2. Tiled roofs
  3. Metal roofs

1.     Shingled roofs

When used in conjunction with other sub-layering materials such as waterproof underlayment, shingles provide roof cover for a home.

The durability of your shingles depends on the materials they are made out of.

Asphalt shingles

Asphalt shingles are produced in two different styles, architectural and 3-tab shingles. They both have granules applied to the top layer and fiberglass applied to the back layer.

They are distinct in a few ways.

3-tab shingles

In areas with severe climatic conditions, these last approximately 7 to 10 years, and those with mild climatic conditions last about 12 to 15 years. Because of their short lifespan, they come with a shorter warranty period.

Architectural shingles

When compared to 3-tab shingles, they have more materials that are more long-lasting. Architectural shingles are heavier and, therefore, more resistant to damage.

They have a lifespan of approximately 18 to 20 years, with some areas experiencing longer lifespans of up to 30 years.

If compared to 3-tab shingles, they are more expensive, but they require less maintenance in most cases.

Wood shingles

Wood shingles can last between 20-30 years depending on your climate.

Wood shingles last for up to 30 years under normal conditions, but only 20-25 years in areas that have been subjected to extreme heat and weather for an extended period.

On the other hand, wood requires more attention and maintenance, and it is susceptible to damage from termites, fire, mold, mildew, and storm damage.

Composite shingles

Essentially, these are shingles made of polymer, plastic, or rubber and are designed to look like slates or wood tiles. Compared to wood shingles, they provide superior protection against heat, fire, and storm damage.

They can last for up to 40 or 50 years, and they are available in various color options.

2.     Tiled roofs

These are roofs covered with rectangular tiles in shape and resemble shingles but are significantly larger and heavier.

Since they are heavy and expensive, a homeowner should consult with a construction company or structural engineer to determine whether or not the roof can support the tile installation.

Slate tiles

They have a long life expectancy of more than 50 years, and they may even live for as long as 100 years in some cases. They can withstand high temperatures, hail, and precipitation.

Concrete or clay tiles

These can last for up to 50 years or more, and they are resistant to heat, fire, and storms. Concrete tiles reflect sunlight, which can cause the roof cladding to deteriorate over time.

Metal roofs

There are several different gauges of roofing metal, such as 30 and 32 gauges. Roofs made of 28-gauge metal are primarily used in industrial settings where resistance to the elements is required to function correctly.

Depending on the gauge, they can last anywhere from 50 to 75 years. The lower the gauge, the tougher the roof is.

How Long Does a Roof Last:  Roof Trusses

This is the basic structure of the roof. It has a significant impact on the stability of the roof and the overall design of the roof.

Valley boards and rafters make up the roof structure on which the roof cladding will be installed.

Roof trusses are built to last as long as the house itself. This is guaranteed if no external damage is done to the house or roof structure itself.

·       Timber trusses

These are very common and easier to set up than other options. It retains heat better than metal trusses, which helps to keep a house warm because metals are excellent heat conductors.

·       Metal trusses

A man welding metal trusses

They are more expensive than wood trusses, but they last for a more extended time. They do, however, require more maintenance since they expand and contract with temperature changes.

The installation of metal trusses takes a long time and necessitates using a diverse range of skills among the construction crews.

Metal trusses are not very effective at retaining heat, and it may be necessary to add additional heat insulation. They are also susceptible to rust damage as time passes.

Wood over metal trusses

Wooden trusses are becoming more common, and many homeowners are opting for them as a result.

They can withstand fire up to a critical point, whereas steel and concrete give way almost immediately. This is because they have similar expansion rates, making a burning house collapse more quickly.

How to Make Your Roof Last

Depending on a few factors, two roofs in the same area may have significantly different long-term durability.

It is possible to extend the life of your roof by following a few simple guidelines.

It would be unwise to install a metal roof in a windy location or wooden shingles in a climate with cold and heat extremes. Consult with your roof contractor for guidance on the best type of material to use to ensure that your home’s roof lasts for many years.

Every roof experiences wear and tear over time, and the weather conditions in a given area determine how quickly this occurs.

The way a roof is constructed has a significant impact on its long-term durability. An improperly built roof will be vulnerable to damage from the elements, such as snow and strong winds.

For example, on a shingled roof, if the underlayment is not installed incorrectly, water may leak through to the roof, causing water dams, which can cause structural damage to the house.

Carefully looking after your roof will increase its longevity

Regular inspections of your roof should be carried out by yourself or professionals. This is important because the source of significant roof problems such as moss or damaged shingles may be discovered early on, allowing the damage to be repaired before it worsens.

When the problem is discovered quickly, it can be repaired sooner rather than later, saving you money on damage costs as well as extending the life of your roof.

Make sure to consider external factors such as the sun’s direction when designing your home. Over time, the direct sun’s rays cause wear and tear on a roof’s surface.

If one side of your roof is more exposed to the sun than the other, one side may deteriorate quicker than the other. When a roof is aligned in the north-to-south direction, both sides receive nearly equal amounts of sunlight, depending on the time of year and the season.

 For countries in the northern hemisphere, like the United States, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, swinging through the southern hemisphere. As a result, the roof that faces south will receive more sunlight.


How soon should a roof be replaced?

The length of time it takes to replace a roof is determined by the type of roof cladding used.

These are the ones:
Metal roofs = 50-75 years  
Tiled roofs = 50-100 years

Please read the article in more detail about how different conditions and climates can affect your roof’s longevity. If you have a shingled roof, you’ll need to determine what material your shingles are made from before you can discover how long they will last.

How can I tell if my roof needs to be replaced?

Deteriorating roof signs can be detected even before the roof has been completely damaged.

Some of them are as follows:

1. A leaking roof or puddle stains on the ceiling
2. Visible damage like cracks and torn or open parts
3. Moss or plant growth on the roof
4. Curled or broken shingle edges
5. Sagging or a depression on the roof
6. Rot or mold

The commercial roof over your head is one of the most valuable parts of a business. With that in mind, it’s important for you to ensure that whoever you hire to repair or replace your roof is both knowledgeable and responsible – and knowing what the right questions to ask your commercial roofer is a great step to determining who to use.

Getting a routine roof inspection should be part of your annual plan in order to catch any issues long before they become big and expensive fixes. As the first line of defense against the elements and other daily exposures, your roof will thank you later for keeping it in top shape. Here are some questions to ask your commercial roofer.

Before The Inspection

During The Inspection

After The Inspection

Although there are many questions to ask, these should start you along the right path when selecting a commercial roofing contractor. Mikku & Sons Roofing has 20 years of experience and can help with your commercial roof today. Don’t wait on repairs – be sure to protect your investment and the future of your business! Call us today to set up an inspection at (623) 465-1068.

The commercial roof over your head is one of the most valuable parts of a business. With that in mind, it’s important for you to ensure that whoever you hire to repair or replace your roof is both knowledgeable and responsible – and knowing what the right questions to ask your commercial roofer is a great step to determining who to use.

Getting a routine roof inspection should be part of your annual plan in order to catch any issues long before they become big and expensive fixes. As the first line of defense against the elements and other daily exposures, your roof will thank you later for keeping it in top shape. Here are some questions to ask your commercial roofer.

Before The Inspection

During The Inspection

After The Inspection

Although there are many questions to ask, these should start you along the right path when selecting a commercial roofing contractor. Mikku & Sons Roofing has 20 years of experience and can help with your commercial roof today. Don’t wait on repairs – be sure to protect your investment and the future of your business! Call us today to set up an inspection at (623) 465-1068.

If you begin to see signs of your roof failing, the last thing you want to do is put off the time to discuss it with your contractor. Even small or seemingly insignificant damaged can be signs of something larger and often times far more expensive to repair. Look for these signs to start recognizing damage, and reducing the likelihood of damages occurring to your property!

Whether you are a property manager or CFO, knowing what to do and staying aware is the first step in protecting the people in your building. Let’s use two scenarios:

Scenario A: Property Manager A notices streaks on the walls and some small leaks, but nothing large enough to require any action – so he puts off contacting a contractor for a year until the leaks develop. At this point, water has spread through the insulation inside the walls, and damaging the integrity of the roof overall. Not only will a large chunk of the roof need to be repaired, but inner damages will need to be sorted out as well.

Scenario B: Property Manager B is in the same situation, but knows that marks on the walls are a sign of damages. After heading to the roof, they see where a pool of standing water has caused the roof to dip. After calling the contractor, they set up an immediate plan for repair, and only a small portion of the roof needs repairs.

Between these two scenarios, which seems like the better outcome overall? Having annual maintenance is a fantastic way to help nip any unexpected repairs ruin the bud. Reputable roofers are able to see the signs of damages and will be able to help assist with a repair plan in detail. Remember, any water that goes unchecked has the potential to lead to corrosion, mildew, rodents and mold.

Regular maintenance is the best option to keep your roof in top shape year-round. It prevents small damages from turning into anything hard to manage – that said there are still times where you may suffer from unexpected roofing damages, whether it be from the monsoon or heavy winds here in the valley. If you find yourself facing unexpected roof damages, call Mikku & Sons Roofing today to get an inspection made, at no cost to you, so you can start getting your roof fixed up to where it should be!

One of the most important aspects of your home is right over your head – quite literally! Your roof is something you want to keep in top-shape, especially considering many roof problems can happen without any warnings. Using skilled professionals and materials is a great step to start with, and well worth the investment, but what about other issues that pop up?

Sometimes it may be as minor as a damaged shingle, and other times it may involve a leak, shrinkage, or damage to the exterior of your home. These kinds of problems are not ones you should worry about trying to fix as a homeowner – leave that to the professionals and give yourself some peace of mind. Mikku & Sons Roofing offers free, no-obligation roof inspections, and will help to set you up with a plan on how best to tackle your roofing needs.

What follows are the top 5 most common roof problems, and what we recommend for each!

  1. Weather Damage
    Often the things that can cause our roof harm are things that remain outside of our control. In most cases, this comes in the form of damage from snow, hail, wind, and UV rays. Here in the valley, we don’t need to worry about the first two often, but winds from storms and the heavy exposure to the sun year-round will cause significant damage. Do your best to keep a reputable contractor such as Mikku & Sons on hand for when damages outside of your control do pop up.
  2. Water Damage and Leaks
    Roof leaks are incredibly common and can range from a minor inconvenience to catastrophic damage with just a bit of time. Commonly affected areas include gutters, drains, pipes, chimneys, skylights, and damaged shingles. Checking the inside of your home for water damage is also a smart idea. Finding discoloration on your walls or ceiling are a good indication of this damage.
  3. Punctures and Cracks
    Any type of puncture, crack, or blistering in your roof is an immediate sign you need a roof inspection done. Without immediate attention, these places can become nests for various pests – something far easier to prevent by just getting repairs made on time.
  4. Poorly Maintained Roofs
    Nearly every problem a homeowner has with their roof can be solved quickly if they are fixed early on. By allowing damages to exist without repair, you risk creating a bigger problem and lowering your property’s value. While there are times to hold off on superficial repairs and group them together to reduce overall costs, there are some signs you should never ignore – this may include finding broken shingles or pooling water.
  5. Poorly Repaired Roofs
    One of the worst mistakes a homeowner can make is choosing unprofessional roofers and other contractors to work on their home. This may save you money initially, but over time your roof may experience greater-than-average damage and may even need a full reroofing to fix previous damages or poor workmanship. Insurance, online reviews, certifications, and personal recommendations are all things to consider when finding a professional roofer.

Mikku & Sons Roofing is ready to help you plan your roof repair needs, starting with an obligation-free consultation at no expense to you. We want to make sure your roof is sound and ready to face the elements before the next storm rolls in! Call us today or fill out our online form to get started.

Foam Roofs Are A Great Choice

Polyurethane spray foam roofing has been used for a long time.  However, it has recently become much more popular given the advantages of having a foam roof here in Arizona. If your old roof needs to be replaced, switching to foam could make sense in a lot of ways.

Here Are Five Strong Advantages Of Foam Roofing

Very Tight, Waterproof Seal

Foam roofs don’t have seams, and form a tight, even seal around vents, pipes and chimneys.  This provides a waterproof seal that reduces the odds of moisture getting into openings. Because of this, one of the most important foam roof advantages is that it provides better leak protection than other roofing. Foam also doesn’t contract and expand over time, which means the tight seal won’t break either.

Better Insulation Quality

Spray foam is an excellent insulator that can greatly lower your heating and cooling expenses. Since it has no seams, heat can’t easily escape from your property during the winter. Also, because this roofing material is white means it will stay cooler in the summer too.

Foam also insulates well against outside noise, which means your home will be mare quiet and calm inside after having Mikku and Sons Roofing add this material to the surface of your roof. This is a big advantage if you live in a highly trafficked area or, if maybe you currently have a metal roof, which transmits a lot of sound.


Foam roofs don’t ever wear out, provided you are maintaining it correctly. Ideally, the roof should be re-coated after five years to keep it in top shape. After the first re-coating, you’ll only need to have this service repeated once every twenty years. As long as you follow the recommended maintenance routine, you shouldn’t have any problems with your roof at all.

Not only do foam roofs last longer than other roofing systems, but they are also rugged and sturdy enough to walk on. Which means you won’t have to worry about safety whenever it’s time to clean the roof or have someone perform repairs.

Environmentally Friendly

Spray foam can be installed directly over the top of other roofing materials, which could mean eliminating the need to rip them off the roof and dispose of them in a landfill. Also, since foam roofs last so long, you won’t have to worry about adding to landfill waste at a later time either. And, one last thing regarding the environment, the foam used in foam roofing is non-toxic and doesn’t produce any harmful fumes, making it safe to be inside using your your home while the work is going on up on the roof.

More Attractive

Your roof shouldn’t be just for protection, but also add to the beauty and curb appeal of your property as well. Foam roofs are attractive, and work well with homes of all styles and construction types. White foam matches well with any exterior siding, but, you can also have foam tinted beige, tan or light gray if that would match your property better. One big advantage of white foam, however, is the fact that it doesn’t fade when exposed to UV rays, so your roof will continue to look like new much longer than tinted ones.

Understand the Options

Its hot in Phoenix, which means you need to take a lot of things into consideration when deciding what to do when considering the types of roof installation in Arizona. Your roof installation is one of the critical components of building and maintaining your home. You need to  select it with our sometimes harsh weather in mind. Some roof types work better than others in our climate. Understanding the best options for the Arizona climate will help you make the right choice.

Whether you’re installing a new roof installation or repairing an existing one, you should call a professional roofing contractor to get the job done right. A roofing contractor has the experience and knowledge you need to make sure that one of the most critical pieces of your property is installed correctly. If you don’t, you could leave your property vulnerable to leaks and other damage.

These Are the 3 Main Types of Roof Installation in Arizona

Tile Roofing

Tile roof installation is a great option, and its one of the most durable types of roofing. Its can be made of clay, but there are also lighter weight materials available. The hard clay stands up to harsh conditions, such as extreme heat and our monsoon storms.

Tile roofing lasts longer than other materials and does a good job of protecting your home from water damage. Tile roof installation is also fire resistant, which can be a big bonus, as it can lead to lower homeowner insurance rates.

Finally, tile roofing installation provides great insulation, which can help with your utility bills.

Shingle Roofing

Shingle roof installation is one of the most common types of roofing in Phoenix. One of the big reasons is it is much less expensive than tile roofing. That also means that maintenance and repair costs for shingle roofing are more affordable and easier to complete.

Shingle roof installation is usually made with asphalt or fiberglass, and comes in a wide range of styles and colors. It’s able to fit with just about any architectural design to provide attractive curb appeal for your home. In addition, it has a nice, long life span – as much as 20-25 years on average.

Foam Roofing

Polyurethane foam roof installation is sprayed on your roof for a strong and seamless cover that won’t leak and provides strong insulation. Foam roof installation is very popular on commercial buildings, but it can also be applied to homes with a variety of roof styles. Foam roof installation is sprayed on then dries solidly. Its a single layer of roofing, eliminating seams, especially around flashing, reducing the chance of water damage. Foam roof installation in Phoenix Arizona is hard enough to withstand damage but flexible enough to shift with the expansion and contraction of the house.

The high insulation rating of foam roofing gives an extra layer of insulation that will help lower your energy bills, in addition to it being inexpensive to install and maintain.
